Thursday 20 January 2011

Vanity Fair: A Song Without a Hero

Allow me to provide some rudimentary explanation on how Kites’ latest demo – The Disappearance of Becky Sharp – came into being.

I occasionally attract criticism for my love of highfalutin and hyperbole. Such comments are wholeheartedly deserved and I will not attempt to defend myself here. I simply want to put into context the unusual sight of my being struck dumb by the ramblings of another. During the early developments of the aforementioned demo, Rich (Kites’ electronic wonder-kid) sent me an email which I presently reprint in-part for your benefit:

"I’ve made a track using my 1985 vintage Roland JX8P synthesizer and Roland TR707 drum machine. Because of the nature of the synth (the JX8P is monotimbral - it can only play one sound at one time) I had to record each part separately and multi-track it. The result is a spacey italodisco tune. I used the PG800 for quick-and-easy editing of the JX-8p as it allows me to control parameters with an easy-to-use traditional sliders; a must have, since the JX-8p employs a tedious system of editing with only one slider. It's quite funny how design was more important then than functionality [is it!?]. Anyway, let me know your thoughts and if you have a vocal idea."

Do you have any idea what Rich is talking about? Yep, me neither! I will happily award a medal to the first person who can translate the above extract for me. I doubt even the Egyptologists who deciphered the Rosetta Stone would be able to make much sense of this!

Hopefully, however, hearing the actual demo will impart some meaning into Richard’s ludicrous patois.

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