Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Pretentious? Moi?

There is so much about my elevated prose that merits public ridicule. Perhaps you think I should hang my head in shame? These entries are not the typed ramblings of a literary wizard but of a garrulous parrot. I am aware that I frequently use words carelessly and, dare I say it, incorrectly. Please pocket your red pens and arrest your rolling eyeballs. They are not wanted here!

"It’s so easy to laugh,
It’s so easy to hate.
It takes guts to be gentle and kind."

I make no apologies. Without such brash declarations the world would be so much less colourful. Put plainly, my jejune words are symptomatic of my character.

Maybe you think I should try to emulate Hemingway? He knew how to write. He knew how to keep things simple. Really. Simple.
But It would hardly be convincing. It would hardly reflect Matthew Phillips.

Blogs serve as a gateway into an artist’s internal monologue. They are not carefully edited or scrutinised.
In short, they are not lyrics.

The present outburst took minutes to compose.
In contrast, I can toss and turn and sweat over a period of many weeks until I feel content with a single word in any given Kites track.

Now I must leave you. I have a dictionary I am desperately attempting to swallow!

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