What does one do when boredom strikes?
How do we combat the cloud of ennui that occasionally descends upon us without a whisper of warning..
Do you too find yourself experiencing deep pangs of anxiety?
You see, boredom is not a discerning tormentor. Do not think, for one moment, that it selects its victims like Beelzebub might select a group of criminals for Hell’s inner sanctum. There is no criteria; there is no particular CV that boredom favours. It does not exclusively target the couch-potatoes or the benefit cheats; i.e. those people who deserve boredom’s fury in all its horror. In truth, it has all the fastidiousness of a dung beetle choosing its next meal.
Permit me, if I may, to list the chief symptoms of this dilapidating condition:
Shallow breathing
Perspiring palms
Bouncing Limbs
A burgeoning sense of one’s own insanity
Indeed, inactivity can be a form of torture so unbearable that many would prefer a swift death than its perpetuation.
I’m certainly no ologist but I would warrant that boredom is a silent and widely unknown killer.